A new company for energy efficiency
Hera Servizi Energia, a reference partner for energy efficiency services, was founded on 1 January through the merger between Sinergia and Hera Energie. On the same topic, in April, Hera received the M&A award 2015 for its integration with Amga Udine.
At the end of June, operations began at the upgraded waste water treatment plant in Santa Giustina (Rimini), Europe’s largest membrane ultrafiltration treatment facility, while in October, the project was presented for the upgrading of the Servola waste water treatment plant in Trieste.
After years of research and investments, in September, Hera presented HergoAmbiente, an “intelligent” system for the integrated management of waste collection and street cleaning.
The year ended with the acquisition of Alento Gas (in Abruzzo), Waste Recycling (Pisa) and some waste management branches of Geo Nova (Treviso), enabling the Hera Group to further extend its corporate perimeter.